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» »Unlabelled » Budapest tower "Lego" (114 feet)

السلام عليكم

Built the tower in front of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Budapest

Built the tower in front of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Budapest and helped the school children in the building of the Temple, the mayor also participated in the fifth district of the city put in place the final mass.

The aim was to break the record American current 113 feet, which was also constructed by school students in the state of Delaware.

The officials arrived from the Guinness World Records to Budapest for the registration of dressing as "the tallest brick structure built across the plastic interlaced."

The mayor of Budapest, said he hoped that this work has contributed to educate people and introduce them to Bbwadbst, and that this contributes to the tower in the promotion of tourism in the city.

The Oligo is the name of the game installation manufactured by the Danish company Lego. The game is for girls in the form of a parallelogram or cubes and each takes other forms, such as people, colorful and made ​​of plastic and are fitted to build objects as cars or buildings.

It consists of colored plastic bricks interlaced and a range of facilities and various other parts. Can be assembled and connected in many ways, to construct objects such as cars, buildings, and even working robots, too. As can dismantle those pieces and construction of new, and the pieces used to make other objects. Were originally designed in 1940 and playing in Europe.

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